Les « Aigles noirs » menaceraient les membres du Pacte historique de Valle del Cauca
Ce n'est pas la première fois que le groupe paramilitaire menace le collectif de gauche. J'avais déjà lancé un avertissement à l'encontre de Gustavo Petro et des sénateurs du mouvement.
'Black Eagles' would be threatening members of the Historical Pact in Valle del Cauca
This is not the first time that the paramilitary group threatens the left-wing collective. I had previously issued a warning against Gustavo Petro and the senators of the movement
'Black Eagles' would be threatening members of the Historical Pact in Valle del Cauca
This is not the first time that the paramilitary group threatens the left-wing collective. I had previously issued a warning against Gustavo Petro and the senators of the movement
Le «aquile nere» minacciano i membri del Patto storico nella Valle del Cauca
Non è la prima volta che il gruppo paramilitare minaccia il collettivo di sinistra. In precedenza avevo lanciato un avvertimento contro Gustavo Petro e i senatori del movimento
Intimidation against indigenous communities continues in Cauca
CRIC members and social leaders express their concern about a situation that has become naturalized in the country
L'intimidation contre les communautés autochtones se poursuit dans le Cauca
Les membres du CRIC et les dirigeants sociaux expriment leur inquiétude face à une situation qui s'est naturalisée dans le pays