El turismo global consolida su recuperación pospandemia a la espera del regreso de China

Wall Street opens slightly lower after last week's rally
López Obrador announced the air taxi service at AIFA
In addition, he revealed that he has already talked with the president of the airline Delta International, to have flights from the new airport

PSI 20 perde terreno all'inizio della giornata il 18 marzo
Accesso rosso: in calo dello 0,32%
PSI 20 loses ground during the start of the day on March 18
Red Login: Down by 0.32%
Il principale indice italiano registra guadagni dello 0,3% all'inizio della sessione il 18 marzo
Inizia una buona giornata: aumento dello 0,3%

Main Italian index records gains of 0.3% at the start of the session on March 18
Start a good day: 0.3% rise

ATX-Eröffnung am 18. März
Dies sind die wichtigsten Daten, auf die Sie bei der Entwicklung dieses Vermögenswerts achten sollten.

BEL-20-INDEX bewegt sich nach Betriebsaufnahme am 18. März auf rotem Boden
Eröffnung mit 0,31%

OMXS 30 index this March 18: gaining ground at the start of the day
Positive session opening: increase of 0.37%