#ICYMI: USA Swimming Facing Lawsuits; Don Porter Remembered; Collectibles & Corona
#ICYMI -- In Case You Missed It ... Sometimes the best stories don't get the attention we think they deserve.

Collectibles and Corona
(ATR) The abbreviated torch relay in Greece in March makes a used Tokyo Olympic torch a coveted item.

Top Story Replay: Pin Points - London Collectibles, The 1st Edition
(ATR) The pins frenzy for the London Olympics is building – and with it the first edition of Pin Points, the Around the Rings feature about 2012 collectibles. London pin authority Paul McGill has more on the pins produced so far for distribution and sale in the U.K. This story was originally published Dec. 1, 2011.

Pin Points - London Collectibles, The 1st Edition
(ATR) The pins frenzy for the London Olympics is building – and with it the first edition of Pin Points, the Around the Rings feature about 2012 collectibles. London pin authority Paul McGill has more on the pins produced so far for distribution and sale in the U.K.

Olympic Pin Trading: The Movie
(ATR) Visitors arriving in Vancouver aboard Air Canada flights can get a sneak peek at the competitive nature of the Olympics by watching one of the movies on the plane.

Rare Olympic Collectibles Up for Auction
(ATR) Rare memorabilia goes up for auction in Swedish mail-bid sale, curling pin aficionados sweep through Calgary, and two big collectors shows are on the horizon.