Minutos de terror por el colapso de un juego mecánico en Chile
Olympic Park está ubicado en Graneros. Fue clausurado hasta que se investigue el accidente y se elabore un informe del problema que causó la falla que dejó 6 personas heridas

MSG Sphere Plans Set to Expand London 2012 Legacy
(ATR) Plans have been submitted for a new 21,500-capacity multipurpose arena adjacent to London’s Olympic Park.

Solutions for Rio Olympic Park Remain Elusive
(ATR) The search for a private operator of the Rio Olympic Park will extend well into 2019 and possibly beyond.

Rio de Janeiro and IOC Still Navigating Beyond 2016 Olympic Legacy
(ATR) A look at the many viewpoints on the Rio Olympic legacy, and how that's driving the IOC to manage risk.

Rio Olympic Park Needs Hundreds of Repairs
(ATR) The Rio 2016 Olympic Park is not abandoned but needs serious refurbishment less than two years after the Olympics.

Superfan Report: The Most Expensive Souvenir in PyeongChang
(ATR) Olympics Superfan Everen Brown is on the prowl in PyeongChang for Around the Rings.

No Answers Yet for Rio Olympic Park Dismantling -- Top Story Replay
(ATR) Funds needed to dismantle two structures in the Barra Olympic Park will not be available in Rio's 2018 budget.

Paris Previews Olympic Potential
(ATR) The Olympic Day celebrations in Paris will mimic the atmosphere the city hopes to create during the 2024 Games.