Around the Rings, Sports Recruitment International Announce Partnership - Golden Opportunities Quantum Leap
(Atlanta) – Finding that dream job in the Olympics just got easier.
Around the Rings--for 20 years the undisputed leader in
business news about the Olympics--this week announced a strategic
partnership with Sports Recruitment International, the agency founded in
London 10 years ago.
London Latest - LOCOG Chief Reveals Challenges Ahead; Olympic Jobs Advertised
(ATR) Paul Deighton says Olympic organizers still have "the hardest bit to go" ... Tens of thousands of jobs up for grabs by Games-time ... 2012 velodrome honored with design award ...
Golden Opportunities -- Business Opportunities across the Olympic Movement
(ATR) VANOC 2010 takes the lead this week with nine outstanding opportunities including an opening for an executive assistant, ceremonies and spectaculars. London 2012 is looking to recruit an enterprise program manager and Singapore Youth Olympic Games 2010 needs an assistant manager, power supply.
Golden Opportunities: Business Opportunities across the Olympic Movement
Job openings with VANOC 2010 top Golden Opportunities again this week with five staff positions, including an editorial services specialist. London 2012 needs an assistant venue project manager. AIBA's quest for championship and world cup hosts top featured opportunities this week…other opportunities include the U.S. Olympic Weightlifting Team's search for a high performance director.
Últimas Noticias
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El hasta ahora embajador de Colombia ante la FAO señaló que la periodista representa los valores que buscan los colombianos. Además, aseguró que el Presidente estaría “agotado” de gobernar el país
¿Cómo será el clima en Tijuana este 25 de noviembre?
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Joel Raffo aseguró que no renunciará a presidencia de Sporting Cristal tras detención: “Le dije al fiscal que yo también quiero limpiar al fútbol peruano”
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Marco Zunino revela que le diagnosticaron cáncer de vejiga: “Sí lloré, pero la vida sigue”
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