ANOC General Assembly Special Edition Magazine Now Online
Features include interviews with British Olympic Association chairman Colin Moynihan and Russian Olympic Committee president Alexander Zhukov as well as a rundown of candidates for the IOC Athletes' Commission, a look at NOC expectations for London 2012 and more ...
Top Story Replay -- One Month To Go, Munich Leads ATR Olympic Bid Power Index
(ATR) With just one month to go before the IOC vote in Durban, Munich edges ahead of PyeongChang in the final edition of the Around the Rings Olympic Bid Power Index for the 2018 Winter Games. The French bid from Annecy still lags the field of three. This story was originally published on June 6, 2011.
ATR Olympic Bid Power Index - One Month To Go, Munich Edges Ahead
(ATR) With just one month to go before the IOC vote in Durban, Munich edges ahead of PyeongChang in the final edition of the Around the Rings Olympic Bid Power Index for the 2018 Winter Games. The French bid from Annecy still lags the field of three.
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