DANE publishes labor market figures in Colombia: Chocó, Norte de Santander and Meta, with the worst figures
The analysis, developed with data from the Great Integrated Household Survey, analyzed 23 departments and Bogotá. Cundinamarca is one of the departments with the highest overall occupancy rate.
DANE publica números do mercado de trabalho na Colômbia: Chocó, Norte de Santander e Meta, com os piores números
A análise, desenvolvida com dados da Grande Pesquisa Integrada por Domicílios, analisou 23 departamentos e Bogotá. Cundinamarca é um dos departamentos com a maior taxa de ocupação geral.
Ultimato para 'Los Pelusos': Autoridades relataram a captura de seu principal líder no Norte de Santander
A operação, liderada pela Polícia Nacional, nos permitiu descobrir o paradeiro do apelido 'Cúcuta'
Ultimatum for 'Los Pelusos': Authorities reported the capture of its main leader in Norte de Santander
The operation, led by the National Police, allowed us to find the whereabouts of alias' Cúcuta '
Artefato de dissidência das FARC explodiu perto do Cantão Militar de Tibú, Norte de Santander
A inteligência informa que a ação terrorista foi realizada por dissidentes da 33ª Frente das extintas FARC
Un artefact de la dissidence des FARC a explosé près du canton militaire de Tibú, dans le nord de Santander
Les services de renseignement indiquent que l'action terroriste a été menée par des dissidents du 33e front des FARC éteints
Artefakt der FARC-Dissidenz explodierte in der Nähe des Militärkantons Tibú, Norte de Santander
Der Geheimdienst berichtet, dass die Terroraktion von Dissidenten der 33. Front der ausgestorbenen FARC durchgeführt wurde
Artefact of FARC dissidence exploded near the Military Canton of Tibú, Norte de Santander
Intelligence reports that the terrorist action was carried out by dissidents of the 33rd Front of the extinct FARC
The possibility that Cucuta will return to professionalism without going through a second division
At the general meeting, the remaining 35 Colombian football clubs will decide whether the “Motilon” team will be able to collect Dimeyer's playing cards.
Possibility for Cucuta to return to professionalism without going through a second division
At the general meeting, the 35 remaining Colombian soccer clubs will decide whether the “Motilón” team will be able to collect Dimayor's sports cards.