Pedro Castillo: They dictate 36 months of pre-trial detention against Bruno Pacheco and the president's nephews
Judge Manuel Chuyo also ordered pressure for businessman Zamir Villaverde Garcia.
José Luis Gavidia on accusations against the President's nephews: “Those who acted outside the law will have to answer for their actions”
The Minister of Defense separated President Pedro Castillo from the charges, noting that he does not have to answer for third-party crimes.
Pedro Castillo: this Wednesday will be evaluated as an impediment to leaving the country against the nephews of the president
After their preliminary detention has been formalized, those investigated for irregularities in the MTC find themselves at large fugitives from justice.
Pedro Castillo: this Wednesday will be evaluated as an impediment to leaving the country against the nephews of the president
After their preliminary detention has been formalized, those investigated for irregularities in the MTC find themselves at large fugitives from justice.
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