La Colombia certificherà, gratuitamente, 6.000 persone in competenze per il lavoro
Andrés Uribe, viceministro di Mintrabajo, ha annunciato il lancio di Knowing to do Vale; il funzionario ha spiegato che, almeno, il 30% dei beneficiari del programma deve essere migranti venezuelani.
Colombia will certify, free of charge, 6,000 people in skills for work
Andrés Uribe, deputy minister of Mintrabajo, announced the launch of Knowing to do Vale; the official explained that, at least, 30% of the beneficiaries of the program must be Venezuelan migrants.
Colombia will certify, free of charge, 6,000 people in skills for work
Andrés Uribe, deputy minister of Mintrabajo, announced the launch of Knowing to do Vale; the official explained that, at least, 30% of the beneficiaries of the program must be Venezuelan migrants.