Debanhi Escobar: they secured the motel where she was found lifeless in a cistern
Members of the Specialized Prosecutor's Office in Nuevo León secured the Nueva Castilla Motel as part of the investigations into the case

Canine binomials intercepted 10 kilos of marijuana at parcel companies located in six states
The states where the seizures took place were Guanajuato, Coahuila, Querétaro, Zacatecas and San Luis Potosí. The total weight of drugs seized in the entities dropped almost nine kilos
Coahuila: INM identified at least 277 migrants in different operations over the weekend
Mexican authorities have deployed operations throughout the country to ensure orderly migration in accordance with security protocols, however, the irregular flow of people continues to be a reality in different states

كواهويلا: حددت INM ما لا يقل عن 277 مهاجرًا في عمليات مختلفة خلال عطلة نهاية الأسبوع
نشرت السلطات المكسيكية عمليات في جميع أنحاء البلاد لضمان الهجرة المنظمة وفقًا للبروتوكولات الأمنية، ومع ذلك، لا يزال التدفق غير المنتظم للناس حقيقة واقعة في ولايات مختلفة.

“Debanhi Escobar entered the building alone”: Prosecutor's Office revealed new evidence and videos to relatives
Debanhi's mother and father met with Governor Samuel Garcia to confirm that the Feminicide Prosecutor's Office will take the case

“It was a kidnapping and murder”: Debanhi Escobar's father confirmed 3 autopsies on his daughter's body
He also assured at the funeral that his Debanhi had alleged signs of suffocation, which could deny the Prosecution's version
Debanhi's father hired a private expert that would contrast with that of the Prosecutor's Office: “My daughter was suffocated”
Mario Escobar pointed out that the Prosecutor's Office rescued the body and transferred it to Semefo without his consent and without letting them see him in the area of the discovery

Elections in Tamaulipas: Safety, Health and Economy were the themes of the First Debate between candidates
The debates help citizens define the meaning of their vote, hence the importance of local electoral institutes coordinating such activities

“Young women disappear through action, omission and indolence”: Denise Dreser criticized institutions and society
The journalist expressed her feelings regarding the situation of violence experienced by thousands of women every day, a problem that has not diminished or been properly addressed by the authorities

«تختفي الشابات من خلال العمل والإغفال والكسر»: انتقدت دينيس دريسر المؤسسات والمجتمع
و أعربت الصحفية عن مشاعرها إزاء حالة العنف التي تعاني منها آلاف النساء كل يوم, وهي مشكلة لم تتضاءل أو تعالجها السلطات على النحو المناسب.