Die Phobie, die Tatán Mejia hat und die nicht einmal seine Frau Maleja Restrepo wusste

Die Offenbarung wurde auf MasterChef Celebrity gemacht, wo der Motorradfahrer seine Angst äußerte: „Ich habe es mit einem Gefühl zu tun, dem ich noch nie begegnet bin“
Die Phobie, die Tatán Mejia hat und die nicht einmal seine Frau Maleja Restrepo wusste

The phobia that Tatán Mejia has and that not even his wife Maleja Restrepo knew

The revelation was made on MasterChef Celebrity, where the motorcyclist expressed about his fear: “I am head-on dealing with a feeling that I have never faced”
The phobia that Tatán Mejia has and that not even his wife Maleja Restrepo knew

MasterChef Celebrity: Claudia Bahamón moved after Pamela Ospina's departure: “I have a lump in my throat”

In the most recent elimination, the challenge was to prepare tongue, but the comedian failed to cook the protein and radish, an ingredient she wanted to add to her dish
MasterChef Celebrity: Claudia Bahamón moved after Pamela Ospina's departure: “I have a lump in my throat”

Frank Martinez explained why he wasn't in the comedians special of 'MasterChef Celebrity Colombia'

Last Monday, April 11, the Colombian audience saw the meeting of several comedians who participated in the different seasons of the gastronomic reality show, who returned to cook for a special chapter
Frank Martinez explained why he wasn't in the comedians special of 'MasterChef Celebrity Colombia'

Aida Bossa neckte Aco Pérez dafür, dass er immer die schwarze Schürze bei MasterChef Celebrity hatte

Bei mehreren Gelegenheiten hat der Schauspieler erkannt, dass seine gastronomischen Fähigkeiten knapp sind, es ist ihm jedoch gelungen, die verschiedenen Ausscheidungen, mit denen er konfrontiert war, erfolgreich zu sein
Aida Bossa neckte Aco Pérez dafür, dass er immer die schwarze Schürze bei MasterChef Celebrity hatte

Aida Bossa teased Aco Pérez for always having the black apron on MasterChef Celebrity

On multiple occasions, the actor has realized that his gastronomic skills are scarce, however, he has managed to succeed in the different eliminations he has faced
Aida Bossa teased Aco Pérez for always having the black apron on MasterChef Celebrity

Carla Giraldo äußert ihre Meinung zum neuen 'MasterChef Celebrity': „Ich hätte gerne mit Ramiro und Tatán konkurriert“

Die Schauspielerin Paisa war diejenige, die die gastronomische Reality-Show in ihrer Folge 2021 gewann
Carla Giraldo äußert ihre Meinung zum neuen 'MasterChef Celebrity': „Ich hätte gerne mit Ramiro und Tatán konkurriert“

Carla Giraldo gives her opinion on the new 'MasterChef Celebrity': “I would have loved to compete with Ramiro and Tatán”

Actress Paisa was the one who won the gastronomic reality show in its 2021 installment
Carla Giraldo gives her opinion on the new 'MasterChef Celebrity': “I would have loved to compete with Ramiro and Tatán”


モラレスとメヒアは「MasterChef Celebrity Colombia」(2022)の有名な出場者の1人であり、どちらもそれぞれの夫婦関係に満足していると報告しています

Maleja Restrepo's funny reaction to the alleged romantic situation between Tatán Mejia and Aida Morales

Morales and Mejia are among the renowned contestants of 'MasterChef Celebrity Colombia' (2022), both reported happy in their respective couple relationships
Maleja Restrepo's funny reaction to the alleged romantic situation between Tatán Mejia and Aida Morales