Olympic Newsdesk - IOA, Dow Update; Swedish Ice Hockey on Hot Seat?
(ATR) Indian NOC chief pleads case to IOC president ... IIHF awaits clarification as to whether Sweden threw a game at the 2006 Olympics ... Gold Coast 2018 transition ... Tanking allegation against Steffi Graf.

UPDATED - Gold Coast Wins 2018 Commonwealth Games
(ATR) The leaders of Gold Coast's successful bid for the 2018 Commonwealth Games tell Around the Rings they will celebrate tonight and then work on the long plane ride back to Australia.

On the Scene - Gold Coast 2018 Puts Focus Upon Athletes, Fun
(ATR) Queensland Premier Anna Bligh tells Around the Rings there's a lot the Commonwealth Games can offer Gold Coast, but there's also something Gold Coast can offer the Commonwealth Games. Matthew Grayson reports from the CGF Assembly in St. Kitts.

Gold Coast Wins 2018 Commonwealth Games
(ATR) The leaders of Gold Coast's successful bid for the 2018 Commonwealth Games tell Around the Rings they will celebrate tonight and then work on the long plane ride back to Australia.

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