
CDMX National Vaccination Plan: these are the Metro stations and locations to apply doses

Anyone over the age of 18 will be able to go to the sites established by the missing vaccine

CDMX National Vaccination Plan: these

How to locate the special polls for voting in the Mandate Revocation

These are spaces in which people who are in transit, traveling, and/or far from home can cast their votes in the popular consultation promoted by AMLO

How to locate the special

Vaccination to stragglers from March 29 to 31: what are the places to receive your dose

Oliva López announced that care will be given to anyone who needs their first vaccine or complete their schedule

Vaccination to stragglers from March

Vaccination to stragglers from March 29 to 31: what are the places to receive your dose

Oliva López announced that care will be given to anyone who needs their first vaccine or complete their schedule


La bataille pour les loyers : faute d'accord, les réunions entre agents immobiliers et locataires ont été suspendues

Le point de conflit était les amendements possibles à la loi sur les loyers. Plus tard, des réunions techniques peuvent être organisées pour discuter des mesures.

La bataille pour les loyers :

Olympic Village Details Emerge for Paris, Rome 2024 Bids

(ATR) Paris to select Olympic Village location on Nov. 5... Rome proposes university housing for post-Games use...   

Olympic Village Details Emerge for

International Triathlon Union announces multiple World Championship races

Following the ITU Executive Board meeting that was held in conjunction with the World Triathlon Yokohama, the International Triathlon Union (ITU) is pleased to confirm the locations of multiple World Championship events.
