They beat Claudia Sheinbaum for 'asking for the day': “Palm trees are dying and the train lines fall off”
The Head of Government of the CDMX reported that she will accompany Mara Lezama, candidate for the governorship of Quintana Roo for Morena.
Insurer del Metro CDMX will pay 1,300 mdp for collapse of Line 12 and fire at checkpoint
The company GMX indicated that after meetings with the Ministry of Finance of the Government of CDMX and the Metro Collective Transport System, an agreement was reached for the repair of damages.
Almost half of the tracks on Line 12 of the CDMX Metro will change
Guillermo Calderón, director of the Metro, assured that the works will optimize service as well as reduce maintenance actions and costs
Three hours from Tlahuac to Mixcoac: a journey through the failure of Line 12 that ended in tragedy
Infobae Mexico traveled the route along which Metro Line 12 should carry millions of users. Along the way there is only chaos, pain and evidence of the inefficiency of three consecutive governments
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