Untersuchungen zufolge schreitet der Prozess der Landrückgabe langsam voran

Die Umsetzung des Prozesses wäre durch mangelnde Transparenz in Fragen gekennzeichnet, die für das Verständnis der Funktionsweise der Politik von entscheidender Bedeutung sind. In den ersten Jahren der Umsetzung des Victims Act hat die URT die Gründe für die Weigerung, Land zu registrieren, nicht systematisiert
Untersuchungen zufolge schreitet der Prozess der Landrückgabe langsam voran

Research says land restitution process is progressing slowly

The implementation of the process would be characterized by a lack of transparency on issues key to understanding the functioning of the policy. In the early years of the implementation of the Victims Act, the URT did not systematize the reasons for the refusals to register land
Research says land restitution process is progressing slowly

Paramilitary accused of the death of activist Maria del Pilar Hurtado was murdered in Córdoba

Juan Junior Payares, alias 'Arm of Mica', had been captured in 2019 for the murder of the social leader, committed in front of one of her minor children, but, due to expiry of terms, he was temporarily released
Paramilitary accused of the death of activist Maria del Pilar Hurtado was murdered in Córdoba

Colombian State Questioned for Inefficient Compensation to Conflict Victims and Land Restitution

The Fundación Forjando Futures report questions what it considers to be the worrying balance in terms of land restitution by Colombia, assures that barely 8% of the total number of properties returned to their real owners has been reached
Colombian State Questioned for Inefficient Compensation to Conflict Victims and Land Restitution

Colombian State Questioned for Inefficient Compensation to Conflict Victims and Land Restitution

The Fundación Forjando Futures report questions what it considers to be the worrying balance in terms of land restitution by Colombia, assures that barely 8% of the total number of properties returned to their real owners has been reached
Colombian State Questioned for Inefficient Compensation to Conflict Victims and Land Restitution