Der Mord an Hety, „King of Creole“, wäre laut der Staatsanwaltschaft versehentlich geschehen
Intoleranz und Konflikte zwischen Familien in La Zona, dem Viertel, in das der Künstler fiel, würden die Ursache für die vom Ankläger geleitete Untersuchung sein

Murder of Hety, “King of Creole”, would have been by mistake according to the prosecution
Acts of intolerance and conflict between families in La Zona, the neighborhood in which the artist fell, would be determining causes in the investigation led by the accusator

Colombian music of mourning: Hetty is killed by a firearm in San Andrés
The musician was shot twice at a house on the island and his death was confirmed on the night of March 14.

Colombian music of mourning: Hetty is killed by a firearm in San Andrés
The musician was shot twice at a house on the island and his death was confirmed on the night of March 14.

Colombian music of mourning: Hetty is killed by a firearm in San Andrés
The musician was shot twice at a house on the island and his death was confirmed on the night of March 14.

Colombian music of mourning: Hetty is killed by a firearm in San Andrés
The musician was shot twice at a house on the island and his death was confirmed on the night of March 14.

Colombian music of mourning: Hetty is killed by a firearm in San Andrés
The musician was shot twice at a house on the island and his death was confirmed on the night of March 14.

Colombian music in mourning: Hety is murdered with a firearm in San Andrés
The musician was shot twice at his home on the island and his death was confirmed on the night of March 14