El canal australiano ABC rechaza la acusación rusa contra dos de sus periodistas por entrar ilegalmente en Kursk
El canal ABC sostiene que sus periodistas actuaron en cumplimiento del derecho internacional al informar desde Kursk, en medio de una operación militar, y rechaza las acusaciones rusas de ilegalidad

The IAPA denounced that threats against journalists are constant in Venezuela
The Inter-American Press Association indicated that cases of physical violence, threats and attacks against journalists covering last November's elections were added. He also addressed the confiscation of the facilities of El Nacional

Vladimir Putin's army murdered Ukrainian photojournalist Maks Levin
The prosecutor general's office claimed that the communicator was “unarmed” when he was hit by “two shots” by Russian soldiers

A Russian journalist was killed in a bombing of a shopping mall in Kiev
Oksana Baulina was filming the destruction caused by the air strikes in the Kiev district of Podolsk

AMLO pledged to guarantee social security for journalists
Mexico has been identified as one of the most dangerous countries to practice journalism, which is why the union has demanded to address the problem

The Russian justice opened a case to the journalist who published the photos of the bombing of the Mariupol maternity hospital
Alexandre Nevzorov is being investigated for publishing “false information” about the bombing, which Moscow claims was “wrongly” attributed to his country's Armed Forces

This is how two journalists escaped the siege of Putin after 20 days in Mariupol: “The Russians were looking for us”
Two Associated Press reporters, Mstylav Chernov and Evgeniy Maloletka, showed the bombing of civilians and the horror of the siege in the Ukrainian city. This is the story of their dramatic rescue. SENSITIVE IMAGES

Living in times of “information bombing”: Pablo J. Boczkowski presented his book “Abundance”
On Monday at Dain Usina Cultural, the presentation of the new title of the outstanding Argentine researcher was held. “The world we live in is science fiction,” he said

Chuck Palahniuk: “Good fiction literature takes the reader to a place they never would have wanted to go”
The author of “The fight club” referred to the relationship between journalism and fiction, censorship of his books and virtuality, among other topics

Who is the Chinese TV journalist who reports in favor of the invasion of Ukraine with Russian troops
Lu Yuguang has received multiple Kremlin awards for his reporting. For almost three weeks now, it has gained exclusive access to areas controlled by the Russian military