Der Streik der Fluglotsen führt zum Rücktritt des Generaldirektors für Arbeit
Ernesto Aguinaga legte seinen Brief an Minister Betssy Chavez vor, in dem er Differenzen mit der Exekutive behauptete.

Air traffic controllers strike causes the resignation of the director general of labor
Ernesto Aguinaga presented his letter to Minister Betssy Chavez alleging differences with the Executive.

Betssy Chavez assured that air traffic controllers strike was declared illegal by the Ministry of Labor
The head of that sector denied that the ministry had approved the strike, but declared its illegality, the flight of passengers was hardly harmed.

Der Streik der Flugsicherung betraf mehr als 8.000 Passagiere, sagt die Handelskammer von Lima
Der Streik betraf 45 Inlandsflüge nach Cusco, Ayacucho, Trujillo, Arequipa und Tacna. Darüber hinaus würden sich die Ausgaben auf bis zu S/40 Millionen Sohlen belaufen.

Air traffic control strike affected more than 8,000 passengers, says Lima Chamber of Commerce
The strike affected 45 domestic flights to Cusco, Ayacucho, Trujillo, Arequipa and Tacna. In addition, expenditures would amount to up to S/ 40 million soles.

The economic losses left by the strike of air operators amount to S/ 40 million, according to Canatur
It is estimated that 10,000 passengers were harmed by the strike of Córpac controllers nationwide. But the image of the country is also damaged, says Carlos Canales.

Passport chaos, cancelled flights and air operators' strike: the tense week at Jorge Chavez Airport
These days have been quite hectic at Peru's first air terminal. Two events generated long queues and disorder for passengers who wanted to board their flights.
Air traffic control stoppage: annoyance and frustration of travelers due to flight cancellations
Tourists hoping to visit Machu Picchu were harmed by the cancellation of their flights as they had already booked tours and train trips.

Alianza Lima squad was delayed in flight to Lima due to air traffic controllers strike
Players and coaching staff were stranded in Iquique early on. Plane was just able to leave at about 11 in the morning.

Flight status in Jorge Chavez: know if your flight is cancelled or delayed
After the lifting of the strike of air traffic controllers, airlines will resume their work and reschedule those that have been affected.