Parsons: First Round Victory 'Shows Trust' in Paralympic Leadership
(ATR) The Paralympics has a new leader as Andrew Parsons takes the presidential election in first round of voting.

Sir Philip Craven Leaves the IPC in Outstanding Shape
Almost 16 years after becoming IPC President, Sir Philip Craven will step down from his role on 8 September after transforming the Paralympic Movement beyond all recognition.
John Petersson - IPC Presidential Candidate Update
Paralympics 'More than Just Sport, About Social Inclusion' -- ATRadio
(ATR) IPC presidential candidate John Petersson joins ATRadio to talk about his goals for the Paralympic Movement.

John Petersson - IPC Presidential Candidate - A Champion for the Movement
John Petersson - IPC Presidential Candidate Update
Ensuring inclusiveness and making our democracy work even better - John Petersson
John Petersson - IPC Presidential Candidate Update
John Petersson - IPC Presidential Candidate: A Champion for the Movement
IPC presidential candidate John Petersson tells why he should be chosen to lead the Paralympic Movement over the next four years.
Patrick Jarvis: IPC Can Become 'Model Organization'
(ATR) Paralympics presidential candidate Patrick Jarvis says he has the “depth and breadth of experience” necessary to lead the IPC.

Petersson: More Paralympic Voices Needed in IOC
(ATR) Europe’s Paralympics presidential candidate John Petersson wants better cooperation between IOC and IPC.