Resurrection Sunday: what does it mean and what is the teaching that leaves us
This is the last date of Holy Week that commemorates the return to life of Jesus Christ, who suffered crucified on the cross for our sins.

Qu'est-ce que Jésus a dit avant de mourir sur la croix ? Ce sont les 7 mots sacrés
Selon les anciennes écritures, la vie terrestre de Jésus a culminé dans les yeux de sa mère, qui a été témoin des blessures physiques et des douleurs qu'il a subies sur la croix.

What did Jesus say before he died on the cross? These are the 7 sacred words
According to ancient scriptures, Jesus' earthly life culminated in the eyes of his mother, who witnessed the physical injury and pain he suffered on the cross.

Le manteau sacré de Jésus : le mystère caché dans le linceul de Turin
C'est l'une des reliques laissées par la passion du Christ et qui continue de faire l'objet de débats parmi les croyants et les chercheurs qui tentent de prouver son origine et son authenticité.

The sacred mantle of Jesus: the mystery hidden in the shroud of Turin
This is one of the relics left by the passion of Christ and that continues to be the subject of debate among believers and researchers who try to prove its origin and authenticity.

Holy Week: What happened to the cross where Jesus died crucified?
This is one of the mysteries that has accompanied the history of Catholicism and that revives the curiosity of faithful believers around the world at this time of religion.
Holy Week: What happened to the cross where Jesus died crucified?
This is one of the mysteries that has accompanied the history of Catholicism and that revives the curiosity of faithful believers around the world at this time of religion.

Semaine Sainte : Qu'est-il arrivé à la croix où Jésus est mort crucifié ?
C'est l'un des mystères qui ont accompagné l'histoire du catholicisme et qui ravive la curiosité des fidèles du monde entier en cette période de religion.