2022 World Games medal table changes slightly after several failed drug tests
Two athletes will lose their gold medals after positive doping tests

World Games agrees to deal with Weibo ahead of Chengdu 2025 Games
The agreement was actually formalized during the lead up to the recently completed World Games in Birmingham, Alabama.

Bach checks out Birmingham and the World Games on his U.S. visit
IOC President Thomas Bach checked out the World Games in Birmingham as part of his summer visit to the United States

Numerous Tokyo 2020 Olympians will compete at The World Games in July with 107 countries taking part
Two-time Winter Olympic medalist skater Bart Swings will also compete. IWGA President José Perurena tells Around The Rings he will arrive in the USA on July 4 confident Birmingham 2022 will be “very successful”

Mayor of Birmingham, Alabama ratifies open doors to Ukrainian athletes in need of traveling to the World Games venue in advance
IWGA President José Perurena tells Around The Rings Birmingham will host “the best Games in history”

IOC 회장은 올 7월 월드 게임즈 개막식에 참석할 예정입니다.
호세 페루레나 IWGA 회장은 토마스 바흐를 개막식에 초청했으며 초대를 수락했습니다.

Il presidente del CIO parteciperà alla cerimonia di apertura dei World Games questo luglio
Il presidente dell'IWGA Jose Perurena ha invitato Thomas Bach alle cerimonie di apertura e ha accettato l'invito

O presidente do COI participará da cerimônia de abertura dos Jogos Mundiais em julho
O presidente da IWGA, Jose Perurena, convidou Thomas Bach para as cerimônias de abertura e ele aceitou o convite.

سيحضر رئيس اللجنة الأولمبية الدولية حفل افتتاح دورة الألعاب العالمية في يوليو
دعا رئيس IWGA خوسيه بيرورينا توماس باخ إلى مراسم الافتتاح وانه قد قبل الدعوة

Президент МОК примет участие в церемонии открытия Всемирных игр в июле этого года
Президент IWGA Хосе Перурена пригласил Томаса Баха на церемонию открытия, и он принял приглашение