IWF: Mexico y Peru lideran Copa Mundial Online
(ATR) El Formato Online continúa con la Copa Panamericana Junior

Pesas America: Nuevo Liderazgo Tras Dura Eleccion
(ATR) Peruano José Quiñones es el nuevo presidente de la Federación Panamericana de Halterofilia que moverá su oficina a Colorado Springs

Lima 2019: Dibos Espera que los Juegos Sirvan para Unir a Peruanos
(ATR) Miembro peruano del COI preocupado por presunta reventa de entradas

Two Vice Presidents, Four Council Members Appointed to World Taekwondo Council
Two vice presidents and four council members have been appointed to the World Taekwondo Council by the organization’s president, Chungwon Choue
ATR First: Dibos Helped Save Lima IOC Session
(ATR) Peruvian IOC member Ivan Dibos tells ATR he had to convince Olympic executives to keep the Session in Lima.

COI, PanamSports Monitorean Elecciones Olimpicas Peruanas
(ATR) Jimena Saldaña está en Lima, Perú para asegurar una transición tranquilo en la COP.

IOC, PanamSports Monitor Peruvian Olympic Elections
(ATR) Jimena Saldaña is in Lima, Peru to ensure a smooth transition occurs in the COP.

IOC Close to Decision on Lima Session
(ATR) The IOC is donating $600,000 to support humanitarian relief efforts in Peru following floods and landslides.