Instant Messaging Application

WhatsApp will stop working on these phones since April 30

From iPhone 5 onwards, you can continue to use the messaging app without any problem

WhatsApp will stop working on

Functions that only Telegram has, but WhatsApp does not

Record video notes, use the messaging app as a music player, pin a message and much more

Functions that only Telegram has,

Surveys on WhatsApp: this would be the image of the Meta tool

People outside the group from which the question was generated will not be able to see anything, nor will they have to worry about cybercriminals

Surveys on WhatsApp: this would

WhatsApp: the trick to send audios with the voice of Mariano Closs, the Argentine football narrator

No need to download unknown apps to phone or computer

WhatsApp: the trick to send

Telegram is updated: improved bots, personalized notifications and more

Telegram's April update brings a number of benefits in automation and personalization for all its platforms

Telegram is updated: improved bots,

What happens to a WhatsApp account after you die

WhatsApp cleans accounts that have been inactive for more than 120 days

What happens to a WhatsApp

WhatsApp Web Trick to Stop Appearing Online'L

Google Chrome has an extension to be 'in incognito mode', and thus go unnoticed in WhatsApp conversations

WhatsApp Web Trick to Stop

WhatsApp: this is how you can change the tone of voice to lower or higher in the app

In order to perform the trick, you have to download a totally free application available on the Google Play Store

WhatsApp: this is how you

Telegram allows you to send files up to 2 GB and send messages without saving the contact

In Telegram, the phone number can be hidden and the same restrictions apply to links to chat with someone, without scheduling the number

Telegram allows you to send