Gestapo Case: Villegas denied the accusation, told him what Macri told him about the “Pata” Medina and disengaged himself from the AFI
The former Minister of Labour was investigated in the case in which he is accused together with former officials. He submitted a brief in which he sought to differentiate himself from what was done with the trade unionist in the national government
Macri obtained a new permit to travel to Spain, Italy, Qatar and the United States
The request was authorized by the Justice in the context of the case in which he is being prosecuted for alleged espionage on the families of the victims of ARA San Juan
Últimas Noticias
Pamela Franco suspende show en Arequipa por amenazas de extorsión: “No puedo arriesgar la vida de mi equipo”
La artista canceló su concierto tras recibir mensajes intimidantes que comprometían la seguridad del público. Su equipo devolvió el dinero al organizador y presentó la denuncia ante la PNP
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