Hooded women of “Okupa” who took CNDH building will remain in prison in Santa Martha Acatitla

A supervising judge obtained the precautionary measure of pre-trial detention against the three women for their probable involvement in the crimes of qualified robbery and gang property damage
Hooded women of “Okupa” who took CNDH building will remain in prison in Santa Martha Acatitla

Женщины в капюшонах из «Окупы», захватившие здание Национальной комиссии по правам человека, останутся в тюрьме в Санта-Марта-Акатитла

Надзорный судья добился принятия меры предосторожности в виде предварительного заключения в отношении трех женщин за их вероятное участие в преступлениях квалифицированного ограбления и порчи имущества банд
Женщины в капюшонах из «Окупы», захватившие здание Национальной комиссии по правам человека, останутся в тюрьме в Санта-Марта-Акатитла

Riots between hooded men and Esmad members caused problems in Medellín's security and mobility

In the midst of the commemoration of the creation of the M-19, there was a confrontation in the vicinity of the University of Antioquia, which resulted in 5 injuries, according to the authorities
Riots between hooded men and Esmad members caused problems in Medellín's security and mobility

Feminist Collectives and Athenaeas faced the Zócalo during march

What began as a mobilization to demand justice against the missing women in the country, ended up again in riots in the Historic Center and Paseo de la Reforma
Feminist Collectives and Athenaeas faced the Zócalo during march

Feministische Kollektive und Athenaeas standen im März dem Zócalo gegenüber

Was als Mobilisierung begann, um Gerechtigkeit gegen die vermissten Frauen im Land zu fordern, führte erneut zu Unruhen im historischen Zentrum und am Paseo de la Reforma
Feministische Kollektive und Athenaeas standen im März dem Zócalo gegenüber

Member of the first line known as Simona spoke about the break-in of the Primada Cathedral: “Art does not ask permission”

The performance, as the collective called it, received multiple criticisms because, for some, it would have violated freedom of worship
Member of the first line known as Simona spoke about the break-in of the Primada Cathedral: “Art does not ask permission”