C'était l'adhésion de plusieurs politiciens « verts » à la campagne présidentielle de Sergio Fajardo

Une grande partie de l'entourage du Sunflower Party, dirigé par Carlos Amaya, a réaffirmé qu'ils soutiendront l'ancien gouverneur d'Antioquia dans sa course pour succéder à Iván Duque
C'était l'adhésion de plusieurs politiciens « verts » à la campagne présidentielle de Sergio Fajardo

This was the accession of several 'green' politicians to Sergio Fajardo's presidential campaign

Much of the Sunflower Party entourage, led by Carlos Amaya, reaffirmed that they will support the former governor of Antioquia in his race to succeed Iván Duque
This was the accession of several 'green' politicians to Sergio Fajardo's presidential campaign

Katherine Miranda's ancient trills revive where she explained why she “divorced” Gustavo Petro

The most voted representative in the Chamber of the capital questioned the then mayor of Bogotá about his management in construction of works and today accompanies him as head of debate for his presidency campaign
Katherine Miranda's ancient trills revive where she explained why she “divorced” Gustavo Petro

“My nights with a baby are short”: Inti Asprilla's justification for image “sleeping” in Congress

One of the 'Greens with Petro' came out to his critics, including journalist Daniel Samper, whom he called a “center comedian”
“My nights with a baby are short”: Inti Asprilla's justification for image “sleeping” in Congress

Katherine Miranda is the new head of debate for Gustavo Petro's presidential campaign

The capital's most voted representative in the last legislative elections joined the “Greens with Petro” movement, which supports the Historic Pact candidate
Katherine Miranda is the new head of debate for Gustavo Petro's presidential campaign

Ariel Ávila arrives at the Esperanza Center with 'AntiFICO' campaign

The Senator of the Green Alliance will be the head of debate for Sergio Fajardo; but he said that, in the second round, he will support the alternative candidate who passes and expects the support of followers of Gustavo Petro and Rodolfo Hernández in his idea to defeat Federico Gutiérrez
Ariel Ávila arrives at the Esperanza Center with 'AntiFICO' campaign

Ariel Ávila kommt mit der „AntiFico“ -Kampagne im Esperanza Center an

Der Senator der Grünen Allianz wird der Leiter der Debatte von Sergio Fajardo sein; aber er sagte, dass er in der zweiten Runde den alternativen Kandidaten unterstützen werde, der die Unterstützung der Anhänger von Gustavo Petro und Rodolfo Hernández bei seiner Idee erwartet, Federico Gutiérrez zu besiegen
Ariel Ávila kommt mit der „AntiFico“ -Kampagne im Esperanza Center an

“Do not do us the evil of re-electing crime and champonería”: Ariel Ávila on Federico Gutiérrez

The political scientist, analyst and now senator elected by the Green Alliance spoke about the candidate of the Team for Colombia and pointed out that it represents the continuity of the current government
“Do not do us the evil of re-electing crime and champonería”: Ariel Ávila on Federico Gutiérrez

Navarro Wolff says Green Alliance will not support Federico Gutiérrez

Other members of the collective also sent the same message
Navarro Wolff says Green Alliance will not support Federico Gutiérrez

Ariel Ávila a reproché à Rodrigo Lara d'être la formule vice-présidentielle de Federico Gutiérrez : « Elle se prête à laver le visage des corrompus »

L'analyste a également souligné sur ses réseaux sociaux comme triste la décision de « quelqu'un qui se dit une alternative ».
Ariel Ávila a reproché à Rodrigo Lara d'être la formule vice-présidentielle de Federico Gutiérrez : « Elle se prête à laver le visage des corrompus »