Donald Trump elige a Kimberly Guilfoyle como embajadora en Grecia
Reportajes Especiales - News

Grecia impondrá restricciones a cruceros para contener el turismo
Reportajes Especiales - Lifestyle

Alexandra Cousteau: Terminar con perforaciones y sobrepesca mejoraría el estado del océano

Greece Olympic Committee refuses to allow top sailor Vasileia Karachaliou to switch allegiances and compete for Portugal
Karachaliou who competed under the Portuguese flag at this month’s world championships, sites lack of funding and clashes with the national sailing federation as reasons for her petition

USA Weightlifting off to strong start at IWF Junior World Championships
The team, led by Leila Cook and Hampton Morris, has already matched their medal haul from last year’s event

Greece, Luxembourg and Norway announced the expulsion of Russian diplomats in rejection of the invasion of Ukraine
The three countries join the long list of governments that decided to do the same after the killing of civilians by Kremlin troops in Bucha

Greece paid in advance and no longer has debts to the IMF after twelve years of assistance
From 2010 to 2015, the country signed three programs to receive aid. The first two were with the international organization, for a total of 35 billion dollars