Government Palace

Secretary General of Palacio de Gobierno would have the necessary experience to hold office

The Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic issued a report based on what became known about Jorge Alva Coronado's professional past.

Secretary General of Palacio de

Pedro Castillo: “We are meeting our goals despite the tripping”

The president promulgated the law tonight to pay the CTS to teachers in the Government Palace and before several professors and congressmen. He indicated that this standard revalues the teaching career and meets fair demand.


Bruno Pacheco is a “politically persecuted”, says his lawyer

According to counsel, the former Secretary General of Palacio de Gobierno has received threats from both the opposition and supporters of President Pedro Castillo.

Bruno Pacheco is a “politically

Pedro Castillo: Karelim López would have organized and funded part of the president's birthday party

The lobbyist told the Prosecutor's Office that the Cabinet of Ministers gave a sum of money for the expenses of the celebration.

Pedro Castillo: Karelim López would

Pedro Castillo invites María del Carmen Alva and spokespersons to the Government Palace

The purpose of the meeting will be to study measures to stop the crisis caused by rising prices.

Pedro Castillo invites María del

Andrés Hurtado tells details of his meeting with Pedro Castillo at the Government Palace: “I loved his heart”

The driver of Today is Saturday with Andrés met with the president to finalize details about his help to children with cancer and quadriplegia.

Andrés Hurtado tells details of

Beder Camacho refuses to leave the Government Palace and claims to have the backing of Pedro Castillo

Questioned adviser to the president ignores the request of the new Secretary General of Palacio, who asked that all advisers make their posts available. Official is designated as one of the members of Castillo's 'Cabinet in the Shadow'.

Beder Camacho refuses to leave

Jorge Alva, Secretary of the Palace calls for the resignation of 17 officials

Among the main ones are Beder Camacho Gadea, Rodolfo Idrogo Mejia and Rodolfo Ramírez Apolinario.

Jorge Alva, Secretary of the

César Hildebrandt revealed that Pedro Castillo showed interest in adding him to the State channel

The event was disseminated through the social networks of the weekly newspaper directed by the journalist.

César Hildebrandt revealed that Pedro