Costa Rica: 1° país del mundo en usar la inteligencia artificial para la creación de su estrategia de Marca País
Costa Rica lidera el uso de inteligencia artificial en su estrategia de Marca País, enfocándose en sostenibilidad y cambio climático, mediante análisis avanzado y participación de stakeholders clave a nivel nacional

El experimento fallido de OpenAI en materia de gobernanza
Harvard Business Review Wake-Up Call Spanish

Kripps announces retirement from bobsleigh amidst safety concerns and governance row in Canada
Oh, Canada. Canadian bobsleigh pilot Justin Kripps confirmed his decision to retire on social media, later admitting safety concerns played a role in his decision making.

Historical Pact annuncia più seggi alla Camera dopo i risultati dei seggi per la pace
Il candidato presidenziale Gustavo Petro è stato approvato da 9 dei 16 rappresentanti eletti nelle circoscrizioni speciali per la pace di transizione

Historical Pact announces more seats in the House following the results of the peace seats
Presidential candidate Gustavo Petro was endorsed by 9 of the 16 representatives elected in the Special Transitional Peace Constituencies

FIS given preferred status in pursuit to take over governance of three winter para sports
It was revealed on Tuesday the IPC and FIS held discussions over the transfer of governance for three para snow sports during the Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympics. The IPC subsequently awarded the FIS preferred status as a potential candidate to take over governance of para alpine skiing, para cross country skiing, and para snowboard

FIS given preferred status in pursuit to take over governance of three winter para sports
It was revealed on Tuesday the IPC and FIS held discussions over the transfer of governance for three para snow sports during the Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympics. The IPC subsequently awarded the FIS preferred status as a potential candidate to take over governance of para alpine skiing, para cross country skiing, and para snowboard

Governance crisis at European Aquatics as calls for early elections in February intensify
A petition to hold an Extraordinary Congress to replace the current LEN Bureau with a newly elected one was presented at last month’s LEN Congress.

Boxing’s place in the Olympics remains in peril as IOC still unhappy with the state of AIBA’s reform efforts
The IOC says issues concerning governance, finance, and refereeing and judging must be sorted out to its satisfaction. AIBA says it’s confident that will happen and the federation will be reinstated.

IWF EB Approves Draft Constitution Ahead of Key Congress