Los Gay Games en México honran a atletas de la diversidad fallecidos por VIH
Gay Games : quels sont les matchs que Guadalajara pourrait accueillir en 2026
Cinq villes finalistes cherchent à accueillir les Gay Games de 2026. Il accueillera le lieu qui correspond le mieux aux trois principes de base que sont : la participation, l'inclusion et l'amélioration personnelle
Gay Games: what are the games that Guadalajara could host in 2026
Five finalist cities seek to host the 2026 Gay Games. It will host the place that most closely matches the three basic principles that are: participation, inclusion and personal improvement
Schwule Spiele: Was sind die Spiele, die Guadalajara 2026 veranstalten könnte
Fünf Städte der Finalisten wollen die Gay Games 2026 ausrichten. Es wird den Ort beherbergen, der den drei Grundprinzipien am ehesten entspricht: Teilnahme, Inklusion und persönliche Verbesserung
Valencia put forward as presumptive host of the 2026 Gay Games
The Federation of the Gay Games has chosen the Spanish city of Valencia as the presumptive host of the 2026 Gay Games. An agreement will need to be signed before the city is confirmed as host.
Gay Games: en qué consisten los juegos que podría albergar Guadalajara en 2026
Cinco ciudades finalistas buscan ser la sede de los Gay Games de 2026. Será anfitrión el lugar que se acerque más a los tres principios elementales que son: participación, inclusión y la mejora personal
Squash Celebrates Diversity, Respect and Solidarity at the Paris 2018 Gay Games
Paris Opens Arms for Gay Games 2018
(ATR) More than 10,000 expected to compete from August 4 to 12 in the 2024 Olympic host city.
A First Asian Host for Gay Games
(ATR) City of Paris signs on with 2018 edition of the event.