China da forma a su futuro coche lunar
Desarrollo del vehículo lunar chino para misiones tripuladas a partir de 2030, diseñado por la CAST y múltiples instituciones, con capacidades de navegación precisa y soporte de seguridad avanzado en la superficie lunar

Auto-dron futurista: así es el vehículo de pasajeros al que se le puede enganchar un módulo de vuelo
Se llama Gove, lo produce GAC Group y acaba de presentarse oficialmente como una altenativa que permite ir por las calles pero también despegar dejando la plataforma con sus ruedas en tierra

2014 Decider Kicks off 2015 World Tour Grand Finals
2014 Finallists Ovtcharov & Mizutani will face off in the first round here in Lisbon
Liu Regains Top Spot on ITTF World Ranking After World Cup Victory
LIU Shiwen has regained the top spot on the ITTF World Rankings after her victories at the GAC Group 2015 ITTF World Tour Polish Open and ITTF Women’s World Cup in October.
Star Studded Field Set to Compete at ITTF World Tour China Open
A repeat of the epic 2014 Men's World Cup Final clash between Ma Long and Zhang Jike will not be possible at the GAC Group 2015 World Tour China Open, as they have been drawn in the same half.
XU Xin Wins 11th ITTF World Tour Title at Japan Open
XU Xin has broken the hearts of the capacity Japanese crowd by defeating local hero Maharu YOSHIMURA at the GAC Group 2015 World Tour Japan Open (Super Series) men's singles final.
GAC Group Title Sponsor for 2013 World Team Cup
TOP Sponsors Discuss Innsbruck YOG; McDonald's Renews
(ATR) Coke, GE, Samsung and Visa tell Around the Rings about their Youth Olympic Games plans ... McDonald's renews Olympic sponsorship ... Table tennis federation secures partnership ... Westfield Stratford City has remaining 2012 hospitality space.

Witness Protection from FIFA; Scoring Shakeup for Boxing; Volleyball Feds Fight On
(ATR) World football cracks down on match-fixing ... Rival volleyball federation takes battle to court ... Scoring switch ... Table tennis sponsorship ... Formula 1 recognition ... Competitions in curling, tennis, ice hockey.

Table Tennis Chief Impressed with Rotterdam World Champs
(ATR) The president of the International Table Tennis Federation tells Around the Rings the world championship that just ended in Rotterdam was one of the best ever for the sport.