Juan Manzur: “Unity is a non-negotiable point in our political space”

The Chief of Staff called for “prudence” and “serenity” in the face of the internal crisis in the Front of All. And he said that the government is focused on “controlling inflation”
Juan Manzur: “Unity is a non-negotiable point in our political space”

Day of Memory: Alberto Fernández will lead an event of his own before the La Campora march

In the midst of escalating tensions in the Frente de Todos, the President decided to lead a tribute to missing scientists in the Ministry of Science and Technology together with Daniel Filmus. It will be at 10, four hours before the massive mobilization that Kirchnerism plans with human rights organizations, from the former ESMA to the Plaza de Mayo
Day of Memory: Alberto Fernández will lead an event of his own before the La Campora march

Die Regierung wartet auf eine Antwort von Cristina Kirchner, die ihr Schweigen nach der harten Botschaft von Alberto Fernández vertieft

Das Staatsoberhaupt stellte erneut klar, dass Managemententscheidungen von ihm getroffen werden und dass es keine „kollegiale Präsidentschaft“ gebe. Einheitenbestellungen multiplizieren sich, aber interne Risse bleiben offen
Die Regierung wartet auf eine Antwort von Cristina Kirchner, die ihr Schweigen nach der harten Botschaft von Alberto Fernández vertieft



The Government is waiting for a reply by Cristina Kirchner, who deepens her silence after the harsh message of Alberto Fernández

The Head of State again clarified that management decisions are made by him and that there is no “collegiate presidency”. Unit orders multiply, but internal cracks remain open
The Government is waiting for a reply by Cristina Kirchner, who deepens her silence after the harsh message of Alberto Fernández



Мэры-перонисты призывают Альберто Фернандеса и Кристину Киршнер возобновить диалог и прекратить стажировку

Обеспокоенные эскалацией отношений между основными партнерами Фронта Тодос, руководители общин Первой и Третьей избирательных секций Буэнос-Айреса собрались и попросили снизить политическую напряженность
Мэры-перонисты призывают Альберто Фернандеса и Кристину Киршнер возобновить диалог и прекратить стажировку

Peronist mayors call on Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner to resume dialogue and end the intern

Concerned about the escalation among the main partners of the Frente de Todos, the communal chiefs of the First and Third Electoral Sections of Buenos Aires convened themselves and asked to reduce political tension
Peronist mayors call on Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner to resume dialogue and end the intern

«Отчаянные» просьбы о единстве и сценарии разрыва: напряжение растет на Фронте Всех

Лидеры правящей партии предупредили о внутренней ситуации из-за политических разногласий между Альберто Фернандесом и Кристианом Киршнером
«Отчаянные» просьбы о единстве и сценарии разрыва: напряжение растет на Фронте Всех

단합과 파열 시나리오에 대한 “절망적 인”요청: 모든 전선에서 긴장이 커짐

여당 지도자들은 알베르토 페르난데스와 크리스티안 키르히너 사이의 정치적 불일치로 인해 내부 상황에 대해 경고했다.
단합과 파열 시나리오에 대한 “절망적 인”요청: 모든 전선에서 긴장이 커짐