Fuente AP: Dodgers fichan a Freeman por 162 millones, 6 años
Running back Devonta Freeman se integra a los Saints
In the Moment: Freeman Wins Gold for Australia
(ATR) Catherine Freeman talks about her Olympic experience after winning gold in her specialty event at Sydney 2000.
The Opinionist: Olympic Movement Celebrates Sydney's 'Once & Future' Olympic Games
Michael Pirrie says Sydney marked a turning point that is still relevant today ... exclusively ...
Australian Golden Girl Betty Cuthbert, 79
(ATR) The IAAF honors the Olympic champion Monday night in London, one of many tributes.
Australian Officials Hope Santa Delivered Freeman Body Suit
(ATR) Secretary general of Australia's Olympic Committee says she's "delighted Santa has delivered this present."
Statement on Opening Ceremony suit worn by Cathy Freeman
Melbourne police have taken possession of an item of clothing which could be the bodysuit worn by Cathy Freeman in the Opening Ceremony of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games.
Lleva 34 años preso pero una terrible duda rodea su caso: ¿es un asesino ninja o un hombre inocente?
Frederick Freeman abrazó el budismo y se hizo llamar Temujin Kensu. En 1986 lo acusaron de asesinar a la pareja de su ex novia. Presentó numerosas coartadas, pero un tribunal lo condenó a cadena perpetua