Die Staatsanwaltschaft enthüllt Verzögerungen bei der Parteifinanzierung im Bericht über das Widerspruchsstatut
Staatsanwältin Margarita Cabello erläuterte die Errungenschaften und Mängel des Gesetzes 1909 von 2018 in den ersten vier Jahren seiner Umsetzung
La Procura rivela ritardi nel finanziamento del partito nel rapporto sullo statuto dell'opposizione
Il procuratore Margarita Cabello ha dettagliato i risultati e le carenze della legge 1909 del 2018 durante i primi quattro anni della sua attuazione.
Prosecutor's Office reveals delays in party funding in report on Opposition Statute
Prosecutor Margarita Cabello detailed the achievements and shortcomings of Law 1909 of 2018 during the first four years of its implementation
UNESCO, ICSS to host joint meeting to follow up on Declaration of Berlin recommendations
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the International Centre for Sport Security (ICSS) will host the first technical meeting on the manipulation of sports competitions as a follow-up on the recommendations and commitments of the Declaration of Berlin.
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