Financial Superintendence of Colombia orders the closure of the activities of Aletheia Education S.A.S
The suspended company promised a “100% return” to its unsuspecting investors

Influencers in Colombia earn millions of dollars: these are the ones that receive the most money
The superintendent of industry and commerce Andrés Barreto referred to content generators, also noting that there is a lot of talent in the country for this, being a hallmark of digital entrepreneurs

Influencers in Colombia earn millions of dollars: these are the ones that receive the most money
The superintendent of industry and commerce Andrés Barreto referred to content generators, also noting that there is a lot of talent in the country for this, being a hallmark of digital entrepreneurs

Colombia remains “good pay”, says Asobancaria
Although consumer and housing loans were the most demanded products during the pandemic, consumer delinquencies have dropped.

The banks that Colombians complain about the most
The Financial Superintendency of Colombia published statistics showing which financial institutions are the most inconsistent among users.

Die Banken, über die sich Kolumbianer am meisten beschweren
Die kolumbianische Finanzaufsicht veröffentlichte Statistiken, aus denen hervorgeht, welche Finanzinstitute unter den Nutzern am widersprüchlichsten sind.