¿Qué es el movimiento 4B que promueve no casarse ni tener sexo y cómo se relaciona con la política estadounidense?
Un nuevo modelo feminista surgido en Corea del Sur está siendo adoptado por muchas jóvenes estadounidenses como medida contra leyes conservadoras

The Argentine who is causing controversy among the authors invited to the Bogotá Book Fair 2022
Agustín Laje has been on the radar of feminists in Colombia for the past few days, and not precisely because of something he has said

Maduro: “Women have the task of giving birth”
“All women have in their deep innocence an innate sense to protect and love humanity, boys and girls,” said the chavista dictator during a meeting with feminists

Maduro: “Women have the task of giving birth”
“All women have in their deep innocence an innate sense to protect and love humanity, boys and girls,” said the chavista dictator during a meeting with feminists

Natalia París: “They think we don't have anything else to show because we show off our buttocks, that's not true”
In addition to being a model and DJ, la paisa has also stepped into the field of business, since it has its brand of beauty products. On the other hand, one that has once again developed as an actress

Natalia París: “They think we don't have anything else to show because we show off our buttocks, that's not true”
In addition to being a model and DJ, la paisa has also stepped into the field of business, since it has its brand of beauty products. On the other hand, one that has once again developed as an actress

Feminist in lack: what if we cancel the right thing at once?
The monster that justifies some people proclaiming themselves as the brave voice of freedom does not really exist. Nobody really has the power to cancel us: neither does Woody Allen feel like a victim of the culture that ostracizes those who behave unacceptably in a society that pretends to be perfect

Third-wave feminism and its battle against a patriarchy that no longer exists
70 years ago, Simone de Beauvoir said “we won the game.” The French philosopher would be very surprised to see feminists taking to the streets today to bring down something that, in the West, fell long ago and offered no resistance

Activists, officials and workers: 8 Latin American women to meet on Women's Day
Women who take care of water, work in slums, are threatened, killed, overcome blackmail, defend indigenous languages, condemn racism and show their deep roots in Latin America on this new March 8

Activists, civil servants and workers: the 8 Latin American women you need to meet on women's day
Women who care for water, who work in the favelas, who are threatened, who were killed, who overcome intimidation, who defend indigenous languages, who denounce racism and who show the deep roots of Latin America in this new March 8