Felipe Angeles Airport

Journalists and activists threatened in Tecámac documented environmental impact by AIFA

Through a statement, the 12 towns of Tecámac revealed that they were walking the Chiconautla hill with the journalists of “El Universal”, when they were intimidated
Journalists and activists threatened in

Carriers reportedly attacked trucks with passengers heading for AIFA

In the last week, at least three buses from different lines have been stoned during their journey to Felipe Ángeles International Airport
Carriers reportedly attacked trucks with

Mexico remains in category two as 16 international airlines resist moving from AICM

At the moment, international airlines are the only ones that can open routes from Felipe Angeles International Airport to any destination in the US.
Mexico remains in category two

The truth behind the alleged trip to AIFA quoted at more than 3 thousand pesos per app

Social media users denied a former official after he mistook the location of a “Felipe Calderón Airport” with that of Felipe Ángeles
The truth behind the alleged

AIFA: यह कितना अनुमान है कि नए हवाई अड्डे के लिए पोलांको एयर टैक्सी की सवारी की लागत आएगी

पिछले शुक्रवार को, राष्ट्रपति लोपेज़ ओब्रेडोर ने बताया कि पोलांको से एआईएफए तक एयर टैक्सी सेवाओं की पेशकश करने के लिए तीन कंपनियों ने पहले ही “अपने हाथ उठाए” थे
AIFA: यह कितना अनुमान है

AIFA: how much is it estimated that the Polanco air taxi ride to the new airport will cost

Last Friday, President López Obrador reported that three companies had already “raised their hands” to offer air taxi services from Polanco to AIFA
AIFA: how much is it