Cusco: More than 400 tourists stranded in Aguas Calientes and Ollantaytambo due to the 48-hour strike

Tourists who compared tickets to visit Machu Picchu have not yet been able to return to the city of Cusco, due to the farmers' strike blocking the roads.
Cusco: More than 400 tourists stranded in Aguas Calientes and Ollantaytambo due to the 48-hour strike

Cusco agrees to a total 48-hour shutdown with blockade of the railway line to Machu Picchu and pickets that prevent access to the Imperial City

Social organizations of civil and agricultural workers, in addition to the Cusco tourism union, are complying with a total strike of 48 hours demanding the rise in food, fuel and fertilizer prices. Prime Minister is already in the Imperial City to set up a dialogue table.
Cusco agrees to a total 48-hour shutdown with blockade of the railway line to Machu Picchu and pickets that prevent access to the Imperial City

Minister Alejandro Salas versicherte, dass Protestanten, die nicht an den Dialogtischen teilnahmen, infiltriert wurden.

In einem Interview mit der vierten Macht erklärte der Kulturminister, dass die Staats- und Regierungschefs gewalttätige Protestanten nicht anerkannten.
Minister Alejandro Salas versicherte, dass Protestanten, die nicht an den Dialogtischen teilnahmen, infiltriert wurden.

Minister Alejandro Salas assured that Protestants who did not participate in the dialogue tables were infiltrated

In an interview with Fourth Power, the Minister of Culture stated that leaders did not recognize violent Protestants.
Minister Alejandro Salas assured that Protestants who did not participate in the dialogue tables were infiltrated

Laut Minister Roberto Sánchez wird Pedro Castillo am Donnerstag nach Huancayo reisen

Der Minister für Außenhandel und Tourismus sagte, der Präsident werde den Vorsitz des dezentralen Ministerrates führen.
Laut Minister Roberto Sánchez wird Pedro Castillo am Donnerstag nach Huancayo reisen

Pedro Castillo se rendra jeudi à Huancayo, selon le ministre Roberto Sánchez

Le ministre du Commerce extérieur et du Tourisme a déclaré que le président présiderait le Conseil des ministres décentralisé.
Pedro Castillo se rendra jeudi à Huancayo, selon le ministre Roberto Sánchez

Pedro Castillo will travel to Huancayo on Thursday, according to Minister Roberto Sánchez

The Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism said that the president will chair the decentralized Council of Ministers.
Pedro Castillo will travel to Huancayo on Thursday, according to Minister Roberto Sánchez