With Payments for Environmental Services Colombia has conserved 260,110 hectares of ecosystems
The Ministry of Environment highlighted that this strategy exceeded by 33% the target established in the 2018-2022 National Development Plan, which envisaged preserving 196,000 hectares
“Colombia is not a dangerous country to defend nature”: MinAmbiente
The head of this portfolio, Carlos Eduardo Correa, assured that “this perception cannot be generalized” in the national territory and invited Congress to ratify the Escazú Agreement
Escuela Savia, a commitment to environmental education among young people and professionals in the regions
The purpose of the National School of Environmental Training (Savia), led by the Ministry of Environment, is to promote knowledge related to the environment, conservation and sustainable development
Colombia presents achievements in environmental justice at the OECD
The Colombian Government, in its meeting with the member countries of the organization, will highlight the Environmental Crime Act passed in 2021. Environment Minister Carlos Eduardo Correa will meet with environmental officials from several countries around the world
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