Traitors to the homeland; denounce page to promote hate speech against opponents
The analysis of domain registrations found that this platform shared address with Kei Partners, a company linked to the son of President López Obrador

Energy Reform: without a qualified majority, opposition rejected AMLO initiative
As the opposition deputies warned, each bench voted against it in order not to give way to the reform initiative of the Federal Executive

Lithium, CFE and Peña Nieto, the keys to the Electricity Reform that AMLO will seek to approve
The federal government intends to have powers over lithium as it currently does over oil and deny concessions for the exploitation of this mineral

The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation decides on the constitutionality of the AMLO Electric Law

AMLO applauded the rally in favor of the Electricity Reform led by Claudia Sheinbaum
The president of Mexico said he agreed that the population defends the initiative that his government promotes

How many votes does the AMLO Electric Law need in the SCJN to survive
In her project, Minister Loretta Ortiz proposes that the Mexican State assert sovereignty in the energy industry

Ken Salazar eases tension with AMLO and thanks him for the Energy Reform meeting
This Friday, the US ambassador said that in the meeting with López Obrador he commented on the principles that should govern the energy sector in the region

John Kerry announced a special group that will take a closer look at AMLO's Energy Reform
The president of Mexico assured that it had been a charity meeting and in cordial terms

Morena will begin the process to approve the Energy Reform one day after the Mandate Revocation
Morena hopes to hold the vote in plenary on 13 April, although she acknowledged that the draft opinion is not yet ready