Paola Holguín: “Colombia has to make big changes, but it can't make a leap into the void”
The senator, one of the most important figures in the Democratic Center, spoke with Infobae about the future of her party, support for Federico Gutiérrez's candidacy, suspicions of fraud in legislative elections and those she considers the dangers of Gustavo Petro coming to power
Álvaro Uribe talks about alleged Venezuelan leak in the elections “to contribute to electoral fraud in Colombia”
The former president and natural leader of the Democratic Center showed that there would be an interception of the neighboring country throughout the Colombian electoral process, not only the elections on March 13
Chronicle of electoral fraud in a stable democracy
The fact that more than half a million votes were lost and that they were mostly from opposition parties, leave a taste that sows doubts about guarantees
The Registrar's Office questioned for possible electoral fraud on E-14 forms
On Twitter, Colombians are posting possible evidence of irregularities on the forms that juries filled out at each table during the legislative elections
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