Les actions Twitter se négocient fortement à Wall Street face à l'achat imminent d'Elon Musk
Malgré la montée en puissance du réseau social, les principaux indices de la bourse de New York ont enregistré des pertes lors des premières négociations de la journée
Twitter shares are trading sharply on Wall Street in the face of the imminent purchase of Elon Musk
Despite the rise in the social network, the main indexes of the New York stock exchange recorded losses in the first negotiations of the day
Elon Musk e Twitter estão se aproximando de um acordo para a compra da rede social: ele pode ser confirmado nesta segunda-feira
O CEO da Tesla e o conselho da empresa digital discutem os detalhes e a mídia norte-americana acredita que a operação pode ocorrer muito em breve.
Elon Musk and Twitter are approaching an agreement for the sale of the social network: it could be confirmed this Monday
The CEO of Tesla and the board of the digital company discuss the details and the US media believe that the operation can take place very soon
Annual inflation in the United States was 8.5% in March, the highest in 40 years
The increase is mainly due to gasoline prices, which skyrocketed especially with the war in Ukraine. The monthly rise in consumer prices was 1.2%
Annual inflation in Germany grew to 7.3%, the highest since the reunification of 1990
The indicator rose 2.2 points since February, spurred by the war in Ukraine, which is raising energy costs and increasing tensions in supply chains
Annual inflation in Germany grew to 7.3%, the highest since the reunification of 1990
The indicator rose 2.2 points since February, spurred by the war in Ukraine, which is raising energy costs and increasing tensions in supply chains