Video: Colombia thrashed and eliminated Venezuela from the South American Women's U20
With Brazil already qualified, the tricolor team will have enough to draw against Uruguay to win a spot in the 2022 Costa Rica World Cup

Vidéo : La Colombie a battu et éliminé le Venezuela des moins de 20 ans d'Amérique du Sud
Le Brésil étant déjà qualifié, l'équipe tricolore aura de quoi faire match nul contre l'Uruguay pour gagner une place à la Coupe du monde du Costa Rica 2022

Chicho Arango ne baisse pas sa garde : il marque un doublé lors des débuts du LAFC pour l'U.S. Open Cup
Le buteur d'Antioquian reste intraitable avec le Los Angeles FC et a activement participé en tant que figure à l'attaque 5-1 contre Orange County SC

Chicho Arango does not let down his guard: he scored a double in the LAFC debut for the U.S. Open Cup
The Antioquian goalscorer remains untreatable with Los Angeles FC, and actively participated as a figure in the 5-1 rout attack against Orange County SC

Camila Osorio ne se contente pas de défendre le titre individuel de la Coupe Colsanitas : elle est déjà demi-finaliste en double
La joueuse de tennis de Cucuteña cherche à gagner en double de l'Open WTA 250 à Bogota en 2022 avec la Brésilienne Beatriz Haddad Maia

Olympic champion Yarnold encourages young women to follow in her footsteps
WBSC pitches for Youth in Sport on Olympic Day
World Baseball Softball Confederation has highlighted the importance of sport for young people in a double celebration of Olympic Day and its pitch for inclusion in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Sports competition schedule.
FENCING: Double Gold for U.S. Men's Foil at the Paris World Cup
For the first time in history, the U.S. Men’s foil squad won both the individual and team titles at the same World Cup in Paris over the weekend.
Pistorius Relied on "Primal Instincts," Defense Says
(ATR) Defense attorney Barry Roux says Pistorius used his "primal instincts" the night he shot his girlfriend.

Pistorius an "Appalling Witness," Prosecutor Says
(ATR) Prosecutor Gerrie Nel discredited the defense for Oscar Pistorius during his closing argument on Thursday.