La politica monetaria e la teoria moderna della Fed
La preoccupazione di iniziare ad assorbire la liquidità in eccesso negli Stati Uniti è stata superata dal nuovo scenario internazionale
The Fed's Monetary Policy and Modern Theory
The concern to begin to absorb excess liquidity in the US was overcome by the new international scenario
Dollar today: the free quote is held at $200, a flat so far this year
The exchange gap with the wholesale dollar reaches 83%
The dollars traded on the stock exchange fell to the lowest in four months and are already cheaper than the dollar “savings”
Since the announcement of the agreement with the IMF, the “liquidated spot” and the MEP or Stock Exchange dollar fell by 18%
Financial day: the free dollar fell to a new low in 2022 and the stock market lost almost 5%, already discounted the agreement with the IMF
The informal currency dropped two pesos and stood at $200 for sale. On Wall Street, Argentine shares lost up to 7%. BCRA bought $90 million on the official market
Dollar today: exchange rate calm spread and free trading yielded $200
Over the course of 2022, the “blue” dollar fell by eight pesos or 3.8%. The exchange rate gap stood at 83.2%