Dollar price in Peru: This is the value of the foreign currency for today Monday, April 25
Find out the opening value of the week of the US currency in the parallel and interbank markets

Colombia: closing price of the dollar today April 21 of USD to COP
There was an increase in dollar values compared to the previous day

Dollar: opening price today April 18 in Peru
This was the behavior of the US currency during the first minutes of the day

Cuba: Dollar Opening Today March 1
There was an increase in dollar values compared to the previous day

Dollar opening value in Peru this April 11 of USD to PEN
This was the behavior of the US currency during the first minutes of the day

Dollar Price in Peru Maintains a Downward Trend: Down 3.9% in First Three Weeks of 2022
The dollar started the exchange day with a downward trend, with a fall of 1.23% since yesterday and remains at S/3 soles.

Dollar price closed at 3.68 soles on Thursday, its lowest level in the last 11 months
In the parallel market, the greenback was quoted at S/ 3,665 the purchase and S/ 3,710 the sale.

Costa Rica: dollar opening rate today March 23 USD to CRC
This is the behavior of the US currency during the first minutes of the day