At least eight dead due to collapse in Antioquia this Thursday
The Municipal Council for Risk Management, Dagram, announced that in the tragedy that occurs in the municipality of Abriaquí, in the western part of the department, about 3 hours from Medellín, in addition to the eight people who lost their lives there are several injured and missing

HeadsUp campaign making an impact in Africa and Americas as continents boxers pursue Olympic quota places in Cameroon and Argentina
Launched in 2015, AIBA’s HeadsUp campaign is dedicated to the physical and professional wellbeing of its boxers, developing and sustaining their careers from grassroots academies to elite-level competition and into retirement.
Open Letter to the FIFA Executive Committee
As sponsors and long-time supporters of football at every level, AB InBev, adidas, The Coca-Cola Company, McDonald’s and Visa all want to see FIFA effectively resume its mission of developing the great sport of football around the world.
Devoted to developing womens sport, Meriem Cherni Mizouni from Tunisia wins IOC Women and Sport World Trophy
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has today honoured six women for their remarkable contribution to women’s participation, both on the field of play and within sports administration.
Últimas Noticias
Magaly Medina arremete contra Pamela Franco y Christian Cueva por su videoclip: “Como si hubieran ganado un trofeo de decencia”
En medio del escándalo por sus revelaciones, la cumbiambera y el futbolista realizan nuevo cover ‘Escandalo’. Magaly Medina los criticó duramente, señalando que su actitud es vergonzosa

Alarma por el hantavirus: internaron a un hombre en Salta debido a que presentaba síntomas de la enfermedad
El paciente debió recibir atención médica en un Hospital de Joaquín V. González. Días atrás una mujer falleció en Bariloche tras haberse contagiado

La actriz de ‘Matrix’ que abandonó el cine para centrarse en ser madre: “No me arrepiento”
Una de las intérpretes de la icónica saga confiesa haberse retirado temporalmente tras el final de la trilogía inicial

Cómo preparar ensalada de pollo waldorf
Paso a paso, te enseñamos a preparar este delicioso y saludable platillo, sin mayor complicaciones

Cierre del índice KOSPI de Corea del Sur este 13 de marzo
Los distintos títulos que se negociaron en el piso de remates tuvieron un comportamiento mixto