More than 16,000 pages of sexual content, education and government were victims of hackers
Cybercriminals created websites identical to the original ones to steal data
The Easter egg on WhatsApp turned out to be a scam
It relies on phishing techniques to steal data. What would be the precautionary measures
The 7 things that should not be shared on the internet for any reason
Cybersecurity specialists say that the digital footprint must be taken care of and some publications that could be risky should be avoided at all costs
Cybersecurity: Learn about the main threats in remote work
One of the most worrying threats is phishing, a form of theft that relies on phishing to gain the trust of victims
Cybersecurity: Learn about the main threats in remote work
One of the most worrying threats is phishing, a form of theft that relies on phishing to gain the trust of victims