El calentamiento podría hacer que el Atlántico rebasara un ‘punto crítico’ en este siglo
Reportajes Especiales – News
Scandal in a school in Corrientes: students organized a fight and raised money for the “winner”
The fight took place in the bathroom of a private school and was filmed by the students themselves. Those involved have already been sanctioned
Video: the heartbreaking testimony of a victim of the Corrientes children's home investigated for abuse and torture
“A”, 17, said that he tried to commit suicide three times inside the Rincón de Luz home because of the serious attacks he suffered
Brutal beating in Corrientes: between five people beat and kicked a young man on the way out of a bowling alley
It happened in the early morning of Sunday. No detainees
Abuse and torture in Corrientes: allegations against the director of a children's home of Governor Virasoro are investigated
The provincial judiciary announced the progress in the context of the case against the head of the “Rincón de Luz” and “Maria de Nazareth” Home. The official resigned