Video: Andrea Valdiri schwanger? Gerüchte wachsen
Die Tänzerin teilte über ihre sozialen Netzwerke ein Video, in dem einige ihrer Anhänger sagen, dass ihr Bauch anders aussieht.
Video: Andrea Valdiri pregnant? rumors grow
The dancer shared through her social networks a video in which some of her followers say that her belly looks different
La Liendra sendet eine Botschaft an diejenigen, die Influencer sein wollen: „Studiere, sei verantwortlich“
Der Pereirano nutzte seine sozialen Netzwerke, damit diejenigen, die in seine Fußstapfen treten möchten, sich zunächst der Weiterentwicklung ihres Studiums widmen.
La Liendra sends a message to those who want to be influencers
The Pereirano used his social networks so that those who want to follow in his footsteps first dedicate themselves to getting their studies forward
Yeferson Cossio confessed that he has the tusa alive for Jenn Muriel
This is how the paisa made it known through his social networks, where he revealed that he has been very hard on the subject of his break with the influencer
Video: Pautips revealed the reasons why he hasn't had surgery on his face
The content generator mentioned what is the only intervention she has undergone to modify her physical appearance
Video: La Liendra's response on how she reacts to criticism on social media
The content generator interacted with its followers in a round of questions and answers, also clarifying whether it is seen in the future with your partner