Freddy Rincón: Tino Asprillas Videogespräch enthüllte bei der Beerdigung: „Er hat uns zum Scheiß gemacht“
Faustino bedauerte, dass der Koloss von Bonaventure keinen Fahrer hatte. Er wird im Olympiastadion Pascual Guerrero geehrt

Freddy Rincón: Tino Asprilla's video conversation revealed at the funeral, 'he has turned us shit'
Faustino regretted that the Colossus of Bonaventure did not have a driver. He will be honored at the Pascual Guerrero Olympic Stadium

Antonio Jiménez, who represented Freddy Rincón on television left a heartfelt message after his death
The Cartagena actor played the Colossus of Buenaventura in the series 'La Selección' broadcast in 2013
Mourning in Colombia: Freddy Rincón died on the night of this Wednesday, April 13
The former Colombian footballer had been hospitalized in the ICU of the Imbanaco Clinic in Cali for three days and his prognosis was totally disappointing

Falcao revealed what he would like to do after his retirement: “I wish I could have finished it”
The Colombian striker is recovering from an injury that has kept him from the courts for almost two months.

Faustino Asprilla's heartfelt message to his “brother” Freddy Rincón, after the heavy vehicle accident
The former footballer remains with a very reserved prognosis in the ICU of the Imbanaco Clinic in the city of Cali
Fredy Rincón is transferred to ICU in very critical condition
According to the last medical report of the Imbanaco Clinic, issued this Monday afternoon, the state of health of the former player of the Colombian national team is extremely serious

Former footballer Freddy Rincón will undergo emergency surgery after suffering a traffic accident this Monday in Cali
The historical reference of the Colombian selection presents a “severe craniocerebral trauma”, according to the doctors of the Imbanaco Clinic, in the capital of Valle del Cauca, who reported that his condition is critical

Former footballer Freddy Rincón crashed in Cali
The legend of the Colombian national team should have been sent to a hospital center in the capital of Valle del Cauca

Johan Mojica believes in miracles and is hungry for victory. I believe that Colombia will qualify Qatar.
The national team, led by Reinaldo Rueda, is the seventh in the qualifying round. The first mission is to break through seven consecutive games without scoring.